5th Biennial Black Women's Health Conference
The theme of the 5th Biennial Black Women’s Health Conference at Tulane University is “‘Memoir and Black Women’s Health.” From slavery through modern times, black women have written themselves into existence, through trauma, and around obstacles; they have shown how drawing from/upon memory, personal knowledge, and lived experience facilitates coping, managing, and surviving and, in this way, underscored the indispensable role that memoir plays in evidencing and fostering black women’s health. We invite proposals that consider how the intellectual, creative, and life writings of black women frame, unpack, examine, and inform wide-ranging issues of health and wellness that are pertinent to black women’s lived experiences. The conference date is February 17, 2024. The location will be the site of our longterm community partner, Martin Luther King Charter School, 5300 Rocheblave, New Orleans, LA 70117.