Demystifying the New Orleans School Admission Process: What We've Learned About the NCAP School Lottery and Student Priority Categories

Event Date
Uptown Campus
Audubon Charter School
Demystifying the New Orleans School Admission Process: What We've Learned About the NCAP School Lottery and Student Priority Categories illustration

How does the New Orleans school place­ment algo­rithm work, and what is the best strat­e­gy for get­ting a pre­ferred place­ment? Join us for an infor­ma­tive pan­el dis­cus­sion on cen­tral­ized enroll­ment in New Orleans. Pan­elists will include school lead­ers, par­ents and edu­ca­tion schol­ars Dr. Jane Lin­cove (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land), Dr. Jon Valant (Brook­ings Insti­tu­tion), Dr. Lind­say Weixler (Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty), NOLA-Pub­lic Schools super­in­ten­dent, Dr. Avis Williams. The event will spot­light our lat­est resource that debunks com­mon myths about cen­tral­ized enroll­ment (avail­able in Eng­lish, Span­ish, and Viet­namese), as well as two forth­com­ing research reports.