Discrimination, Disparities, and Data Lab (D3L) Launch Party and Mixer

Event Date
Howard Tilton Memorial Library
Discrimination, Disparities, and Data Lab (D3L) Launch Party and Mixer illustration

Join us for snacks and socializing while we describe the launch of a new multi-disciplinary research lab at Tulane, the Discrimination, Disparities, and Data Lab (D3L), housed at the Connolly Alexander Institute for Data Science (CAIDS). We will briefly summarize the goals of the lab, how current students and research assistants are contributing, and what opportunities are available for students. Most of the time will be for socializing and networking, where D3L students, researchers, and interested students can meet each other and learn about projects. Register here: https://tulane.libcal.com/calendar/events/LDW_d3lab. Registration is encouraged but not required.