Dismantling Anti-Blackness Part 2: Exploring Anti-Black Racism and the Law with School of Law Assistant Dean of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Tracie Ransom, JD

Event Date
Uptown Campus
Dismantling Anti-Blackness Part 2: Exploring Anti-Black Racism and the Law with School of Law Assistant Dean of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Tracie Ransom, JD   illustration
  • Attendees will consider some of the ways in which anti-Black racism was codified in the law as part of the historical context leading to George Floyd’s murder and will consider ongoing impacts.  In this session, attendees will also explore how to take this knowledge to build skills and take actions to interrupt anti-Black racism in living, learning, and working environments. Register here: https://tulane.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpdu6tqzoiE9aXvIiCW2I5uaXiby8rn64x