Krewe de MUN I
Krewe de Mun since its inception (a few months back) was at its core, a means of bringing a challenging competition to the Big Easy where you can enjoy the city life of New Orleans while you also participate in a collegiate model un conference. The mission of the Model United Nations (MUN) conference is to improve your skills and techniques of diplomacy through unique committees but also manage to relax and enjoy the prospect of also traveling for a unique city experience.
Each year, we aim to create a unique surprise within committee topics and formats. This year, for our first conference, we have the utmost challenge of committees for those that attend. Given that this requires secrecy, we leave this by saying that we know the circuit norm–said or not, is that Ad-Hoc remains the challenging committee of any conference. At Krewe de Mun, we disregard this. Challenge will be brought to you, and you will be brought to it.