Panhellenic Recruitment

Panhellenic Recruitment Week will take place on the following dates
January 4th-6th Work Week - Active chapter members will return to campus on January 4th. Potential new members (PNMs) will move-in early on campus on January 6th.
January 6th PNM Kickoff - Spring Scholar PNMs will attend a mandatory meet-n-greet in Pocket Park from 4:30-5:30pm with their Recruitment Counselors. Afterwards, all PNMs will attend Kickoff in McAlister Auditorium from 6-7:30 with small group breakouts across campus afterwards until 8:30pm.
January 7th-8th - Open House
January 9th - Philanthropy
January 10th - Sisterhood
January 11th - Preference - Outside guests will be on campus to volunteer with voting and selection throughout the day.
January 12th - Bid Day - Outside guests will be on campus to support students running home this day.