The Politics of Citation Workshop

Event Date
Uptown Campus
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Room 602
The Politics of Citation Workshop illustration

Citation, in all its dimensions—who we cite, what we cite, how we cite, and how we assign citation “impact”—is not neutral. There are politics and ideologies baked into academia’s citational ecosystem. This workshop will consist of two parts:

  1. A presentation providing an overview of the concept of citational politics and its evolution, as well as existing tools and resources to address citation inequities. 
  2. A discussion, brainstorming, and resource-sharing conversation among participants about the impact citation politics has on our work and the changes we can make to address citational inequities and problems in our research and teaching.

Requirements: register at

This workshop will be: In-person only

Physical location of this workshop: Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Room 602