Sociology Colloquium, featuring Dr. David Maimon: Bridging Social Science Perspectives and Computing Research Tools to Study the Progression of Online Crime Event: Findings from three field experiments

Event Date
LBC 202 (Rechler Conference Room)
Sociology Colloquium, featuring Dr. David Maimon: Bridging Social Science Perspectives and Computing Research Tools to Study the Progression of Online Crime Event: Findings from three field experiments illustration
Traditionally, scholars have studied cybercrime using classic social science tools and methodologies, often focusing on crimes after they have occurred. However, because cybercrime unfolds in cyberspace, network and computer technologies provide opportunities to collect data on illicit activities as they happen. Utilizing these tools can offer new insights into the progression of online crime. In this talk, I will demonstrate how deploying honeypots (i.e. cybersecurity tools which are designed to attract, detect, and analyze illicit behaviors on a system) in online environments can enhance our understanding of system trespassing (hacking), online fraud, and online grooming, pushing the boundaries of cybercrime research.