Top Hat Summer Camp @ Tulane

Event Date
CELT/ILC Suite, Uptown Campus
Top Hat Summer Camp @ Tulane  illustration

Join us for an exciting summer event and discover innovative strategies to elevate your teaching and learning experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with Top Hat learning specialists, participate in live demos, and get your questions answered. This is a hybrid event. Refreshments provided. 


Top Hat Overview: 
Engagement from day one. Join Top Hat experts for an overview of the Dynamic Courseware and Student Engagement tools that are available across campus. Learn how Top Hat can help you create impactful learning experiences before, during and after class.
You’ll leave this session with:
  • An understanding of the partnership between Top Hat and Tulane, as well as the support available to you
  • An overview of the Top Hat platform and how it can help you drive engagement this fall

10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Top Hat

We’ve rounded up a showcase of 10 of our most powerful features. See Top Hat in action and learn how some of our capabilities can increase your impact in preparing lectures, assessing and grading your students. You’ll also learn about Top Hat Ace, our new AI powered study assistant which helps customize learning experiences for students while saving administrative time for instructors!
For more details and to register, please visit: