Tulane Love the Boot Litter Sweep

Join us Sunday, April 13th for Tulane's Love the Boot Litter Sweep. Love the Boot state-wide litter removal and beautification action led by Keep Louisiana Beautiful. Bring your refillable water bottle - no waste hydration!
Meet at the staging area between Greenbaum and McWilliams, off Zimpel Street at 10:00 a.m. The first 75 volunteers to arrive will receive a Love the Boot t-shirt! The Tulane Keep Louisiana Beautiful Affiliate will provide gear and instruction.
To Register: Let us know you are coming through WaveSync. Students in Greek life should sign up through your fraternity and sorority houses.
We'll see you there! #KeepOurWaveGreen
Love the Boot is Keep Louisiana Beautiful's annual statewide litter abatement and beautification initiative, www.lovetheboot.org. The litter sweep is part of Tulane’s commitment as a university affiliate to Keep Louisiana Beautiful. Current university affiliates include Dillard University, Grambling State University, Loyola University of New Orleans, Louisiana State University, Nicholls State University, Northwestern State University, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, University of Louisiana Monroe, Southeastern Louisiana University, Tulane University, University of New Orleans, and Xavier University of Louisiana.