WEBINAR - Tulane’s New Policy on Immigration Sponsorship

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WEBINAR - Tulane’s New Policy on Immigration Sponsorship illustration

***RSVP via ZOOM HERE: https://tulane.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsfumsqj8uEtFxa_TaQxeM8pgocDb9Se1I#/registration***

Join us to learn more about Tulane’s new immigration POLICY regarding the faculty and staff Tulane sponsors for permanent residence. As a global university and in recognition of our commitment to equity and diversity, Tulane encourages its international faculty and staff to obtain permanent residence whenever practicable and is committed to providing holistic support throughout the immigration process. Starting July 1, 2024, international faculty and staff will now request permanent residence support through the Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS) before being connected with a pre-vetted list of qualified immigration attorneys who have provided a negotiated list of transparent fees for services.

We understand that transitioning responsibilities may raise questions and are here to answer them. Please join us to learn more and ask questions for deans, department heads, and directors who hire faculty and staff, as well as international faculty and staff interested in applying for a green card.

***RSVP via ZOOM HERE: https://tulane.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsfumsqj8uEtFxa_TaQxeM8pgocDb9Se1I#/registration***