Krewe Magazine Launch

Tulane professor Michael Luke's Creative Journalism course partners Tulane students with local high school Morris Jeff in the publication of Krewe; an online and hard copy magazine that contains under-represented stories from New Orleans. Students are involved in every aspect of the publication, from the research, interviewing and writing process to the art selection and binding. This course is sponsored by the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South.

This event is free and open to the public and available on ZOOM.

TYL for Graduates

Interested in gaining more clarity and direction on potential career paths and designing a meaningful life after graduate school?  Register for Taylor Your Life for graduate and professional students! Based on the popular undergraduate course, this 5-week course in Mar/Apr is designed for graduate students interested in designing a career with social or environmental impact.


[CANCELLED AS OF 3/12/2020] Archaeology Brownbag Talk--"Working on an Old Excavation and Its Fragmented Records: The Case of the House of the Frescoes at Knossos" (Emilia Oddo, Friday, 3/13/2020, 12:00PM, DW 305)

The Tulane University Center for Archaeology presents an archaeology brownbag lunch talk.


[CANCELLED AS OF 3/12/2020]


"Working on an Old Excavation and Its Fragmented Records: The Case of the House of the Frescoes at Knossos"

Emilia Oddo, Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Tulane University

Friday, 3/13/2020, 12:00PM, Dinwiddie Hall Room 305


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