Shut Up & Write

Every other week, we get together and write. It doesn't matter what kind of writing- class paper, the next great novel, blog, or journal- we just write! It's a simple and powerful way to build a habit of writing, hold ourselves accountable, and have fun and meet new people. You can join in person, at the ALTC Writing Center located in the basement of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Suite B01, or online at 

Shut Up & Write

Every other week, we get together and write. It doesn't matter what kind of writing- class paper, the next great novel, blog, or journal- we just write! It's a simple and powerful way to build a habit of writing, hold ourselves accountable, and have fun and meet new people. You can join in person, at the ALTC Writing Center located in the basement of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Suite B01, or online at

Shut Up & Write

Every other week, we get together and write. It doesn't matter what kind of writing- class paper, the next great novel, blog, or journal- we just write! It's a simple and powerful way to build a habit of writing, hold ourselves accountable, and have fun and meet new people. You can join in person, at the ALTC Writing Center located in the basement of the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Suite B01, or online at

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