WaveMUN 2022

WaveMUN is Tulane's premiere Model United Nations conference for high school students across the southeast. This year, WaveMUN is excited to be returning to an in-person format with four committees staffed entirely by Tulane students.

Study Abroad 101

Considering study abroad? Whether you're hoping to travel next semester, this summer, or two years from now, this session will go over everything you need to know to go global with Tulane! This session is virtual and will take place on Zoom.

Study Abroad 101

Considering study abroad? Whether you're hoping to travel next semester, this summer, or two years from now, this session will go over everything you need to know to go global with Tulane! This session is virtual and will take place on Zoom.

Career Chats: Gap Year of Service

Are you considering a Gap year before your job search or starting graduate school? Have you ever thought about a gap year within a service organization? Get your questions ready. Our panel includes:

Allison Cruz, Former Jesuit Volunteer, Assistant Dean and Executive Director, Academic Enrichment, Doctoral Student, City, Culture, and Community Program

AJ Golio, Former Jesuit Volunteer, Doctoral Student Sociology, City, Culture, and Community Program, Mellon Community-Engaged Research Fellow

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