Yarmimar Bonilla

Event Date

Yarimar Bonilla is Professor in the Department of Africana, Puerto Rican and Latino Studies at Hunter College and in the Ph.D. Program in Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Professor Bonilla’s is the co-editor of Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm, which “compiles narratives of Puerto Rican journalists, poets, artists, and community leaders to show how Puerto Ricans come to terms with not just the impact of Maria, but also the larger, deeper traumas produced by the island’s longer socio-political history.” She also has just produced a film connected to Aftershocks, which we will screen as part of the event. In addition, she is a principal collaborator in the #PuertoRicoSyllabus project, serves as Section Editor of Public Anthropologies for the journal American Anthropologist, writes a monthly column in the Puerto Rican newspaper El Nuevo Dia and has published widely in other popular media. She is currently continuing her research on Hurricane Maria as a Carnegie Fellow. 


Professor Bonilla will be in conversation with Guadalupe Garcia, Associate Professor of History at Tulane, and the students enrolled in HISU 6270: American Disasters, which is taught by Professor Andy Horowitz.


Zoom details are forthcoming.