Make a Zine with TUSC

Event Date
Uptown Campus
Online--email to RSVP and receive Zoom link

We know that you probably have a lot on your mind, and may be looking for things to do that don't involve screens! How about a zine? Zines, short for magazines, are a pre-internet form of independent publishing that became popular in the early 1990s. Full of art, personal writing, or thoughts about politics, music, or identity, zines exemplify DIY culture and are a freeing way to express yourself. In this workshop, see zines from Tulane University Special Collections and learn how to make a one-page zine of your own. We'll talk about zine history and learn some easy image-making techniques. And, if interested, you can donate a copy of your zine to be part of the archives at Tulane University Special Collections.

Suggested supply list:

Blank paper

Writing utensils (pencils, pens, markers)


Magazines, newspapers, or other printed materials to cut up and repurpose


Stamps or other image-making materials


Location: Online

Date: Friday, October 23, 2020

Time: 3:00pm to 4:00pm