Women, Law, and History Reading Group Discussion

Event Date
Uptown Campus

Faculty, staff, and students are welcome to join the discussion of Leigh Goodmark's Decriminalizing Domestic Violence: A Balanced Policy Approach to Intimate Partner Violence.

Decriminalizing Domestic Violence asks the crucial, yet often overlooked, question of why and how the criminal legal system became the primary response to intimate partner violence in the United States. The book examines how social, legal, and financial resources are diverted into a criminal legal apparatus that is often unable to deliver justice or safety to victims or to prevent intimate partner violence in the first place.  The book challenges readers to understand intimate partner violence not solely, or even primarily, as a criminal law concern but as an economic, public health, community, and human rights problem. It also argues that only by viewing intimate partner violence through these lenses can we develop a balanced policy agenda for addressing it. At a moment when we are examining our national addiction to punishment, Decriminalizing Domestic Violence offers a thoughtful, pragmatic roadmap to real reform.

Please email jqiu@tulane.edu for Zoom passcode.