Donuts with the Dean

Event Date
Uptown Campus
A.B Freeman School of Business Atrium


Welcome Back from Winter Break!

Come to the Business School Atrium for free donuts and coffee in the morning anytime from 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM to start your day off right!

Join us in the Business School atrium to have some free coffee and donuts and get the opportunity to speak with Dean Goes, Interim Dean Guy, and other Freeman faculty members. The purpose of hosting a weekly Donuts with the Dean event is to provide Undergraduate Freeman Students with the opportunity to meet the new Dean of the A.B. Freeman School of Business, Paulo Goes, and other faculty members that lead the A.B. Freeman School of Business. 

This is a rare and terrific networking opportunity to get to know the Dean of the A.B. Freeman School of Business, learn about the ins and outs of the Freeman, and build relationships with key faculty, plus who doesn't love free donuts and coffee sponsored by FSG!?