"Shaping Germany: Integrating Immigrants" Poster Exhibit

Event Date
Uptown Campus
Newcomb Hall
3rd Floor Hallway

Come see "Shaping Germany: Integrating Immigrants," a poster exhibit with individual stories and viewpoints from refugees, German volunteers and professionals who work towards better integration. The exhibition comprises of 30 posters which are posted along the walls of the third floor of Newcomb Hall (between rooms 300 and 310). 

Germany is more diverse than you may think! Beginning in the 1950s, millions of foreign nationals who became known as “guest workers” arrived from southern Europe, including Turkey. More recently, thousands of refugees fleeing civil war and individual persecution have found a safe haven in Germany, and the strong German economy continues to attract migrants from inside Europe and from all around the world. Today, the percentage of Germans with at least one parent born abroad is roughly the same as in the United States, with similar opportunities and challenges on both sides of the Atlantic. Time to compare notes on best practices!

Support provided by the Tulane School of Liberal Arts (Africana Studies, the Depts. of French & Italian, Political Science, and Communication) and the Tulane German Club, as well as the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany (Washington D.C.)