Lecture by W.J.T. Mitchell

Event Date
Uptown Campus
Art Building
Stone Auditorium

Professor W.J.T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor of English and Art History at the University of Chicago, is a world-famous figure in the fields of art history and visual media. His work is primarily focused on the interplay of vision and language in art, literature, and media, and the subjects of his books and articles range from general problems in the theory of representation to specific issues in cultural politics and political culture. His books include Blake’s Composite Art; Iconology; Picture Theory; The Last Dinosaur Book: The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon; What Do Pictures Want?; Cloning Terror: The War of Images, 9/11 to the Present; Seeing Through Race; Occupy: Three Essays in Disobedience; and Image Science. He is currently finishing a new book titled Seeing Madness, Up Close and From Afar.