Tulane Connect Mentor Match Week

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Tulane Connect Mentor Match Week: Join Today!


Are you looking for a mentor this semester? Curious about what the day to day looks like for someone in your dream career? Tulane's Office of Alumni Relations is offering exclusive access to a robust network of nearly 10,000 Tulane alumni who are eager and willing to meet you and share their wisdom and advice about life beyond Tulane. You are invited to participate in the first annual Tulane Connect Mentor Match Week: February 25-March 1.


Interested? Follow these three simple steps:


1. Join Tulane Connect at tulaneconnect.com, (If you already have a profile, make sure all your information is up to date.)


2. Join us for a 20-minute informational webinar on Feb 19th at 4:00pm or Feb 21st at 12:00pm to learn about the program expectations and how to create a successful mentoring relationship.


3. Mark your calendar for February 25th!!


That's all you have to do! Questions? Contact Sarah Basinger, Alumni Career Counselor at smcallis@tulane.edu