Rising Sea Levels and Climate Change

Event Date
Uptown Campus
The Commons

Tulane University's Women's Association cordially invites you to the 2019 – 2020 Jane & Herbert Longenecker Lecture!

Featuring Tulane Professor Mead Allison - Chair of Department of River-Coast Science and Engineering Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science

Lecture Title: “River-Coastal Threats to New Orleans and Louisiana: What is Tulane Doing to Help?”

This lecture addresses the concerns surrounding the science of rising sea levels, climate change, and Professor Allison’s research; followed by a description of the new department and Tulane’s efforts to expand its talent pool and visibility in this arena. Reception to follow.

Directions: Enter The Commons via the side of the building closest to Jones Hall. The Newcomb Institute signage indicates a small room with an express elevator to the third floor.