Peggy Orenstein Speaking Event

This event will take place on April 9 from 3:30 P.M. CST and be in collaboration with Kate Kusher, the Senior Sex Week Coordinator, and students-at-large Sofija Djordjevic and Kate Sonderegger. The speaker would be Peggy Orenstein, a nationally renowned author, and speaker. This event would help educate the Tulane community around sexual wellness. The topic of this specific event is an open discussion for all identities surrounding how college students navigate sex and porn ethically in the current era, which is a topic that has not yet been explored by current programming.

USG & TUVA Tet Celebration

Come and celebrate the Lunar New Year with Tulane University Vietnamese Association (TUVA) and Undergraduate Student Government (USG). You can have a taste of Vietnamese culture for free with banh mi, a traditional Vietnamese po-boy, catered by Ba Chi Canteen. The Year of the Ox will also bring you a brand new ox plushie if you are lucky!

Sustainability and Climate Action Town Hall

Join USG, in partnership with the Office of Sustainability, at our virtual town hall to learn about current efforts on campus to minimize Tulane’s greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.  USG’s Director of Sustainability, Ella Cat Strahan, will direct a panel of Tulane administrators to discuss present and future environmental initiatives.  After brief presentations and a Q&A session, participants will join breakout rooms to give feedback, voice concerns, identify priorities and brainstorm future initiatives.

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